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Collaborative Decision-Reinforced Self-Supervision for Attributed Graph Clustering

Pengfei Zhu, Jialu Li, Yu Wang. Bin Xiao, Shuai Zhao, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems



Pengfei Zhu, Wanying Zhang, Yu Wang, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper 软件学报


Multi-view Deep Subspace Clustering Networks

Pengfei Zhu, Binyuan Hui, Yu Wang, Xinjie Yao, Dawei Du, Longyin Wen, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paperarxiv


Drone-based RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Vehicle Detection via Uncertainty-Aware Learning

Yiming Sun, Bing Cao, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology


Confidence-aware Fusion using Dempster-Shafer Theory for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection

Qing Li, Changqing Zhang, Qinghua Hu, Huazhu Fu, Pengfei Zhu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


Learning Self-supervised Low-Rank Network for Single-Stage Weakly and Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation

Junwen Pan, Pengfei Zhu, Kaihua Zhang, Bing Cao, Yu Wang, Dingwen Zhang, Junwei Han, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper International Journal of Computer Vision


Latent Heterogeneous Graph Network for Incomplete Multi-View Learning

Pengfei Zhu, Xinjie Yao, Yu Wang, Meng Cao, Binyuan Hui, Shuai Zhao, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


Label-efficient Hybrid-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Junwen Pan, Qi Bi, Yanzhan Yang, Pengfei Zhu, Cheng Bian
Conference Paper AAAI 2022


Detection and tracking meet drones challenge

Pengfei Zhu, Longyin Wen, Dawei Du, Xiao Bian, Haibin Ling, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Evolving fully automated machine learning via life-long knowledge anchors

Xiawu Zheng, Yang Zhang, Sirui Hong, Huixia Li, Lang Tang, Youcheng Xiong, Jin Zhou, Yan Wang, Xiaoshuai Sun, Pengfei Zhu, Chenglin Wu, Rongrong Ji
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Detection, tracking, and counting meets drones in crowds: A benchmark

Longyin Wen, Dawei Du, Pengfei Zhu*, Qinghua Hu, Qilong Wang, Lifeng Bo, Siwei Lyu
Journal Paper CVPR 2021


Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic

B Hui, R Geng, Q Ren, B Li, Y Li, J Sun, F Huang, L Si, P Zhu*, X Zhu
Conference Paper AAAI 2021


Multi-View information-Bottleneck Representation Learning

Zhibin Wan, Changqing Zhang, Pengfei Zhu*, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper AAAI 2021


Multi-Drone based Single Object Tracking with Agent Sharing Network

Pengfei Zhu, Jiayu Zheng, Dawei Du, Longyin Wen, Yiming Sun, Qinghua Hu
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology


Semisupervised Laplace-Regularized Multimodality Metric Learning

Jianqing Liang, Pengfei Zhu*, Chuangyin Dang, Qinghua Hu
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics


Adaptive and robust partition learning for person retrieval with policy gradient

Yuxuan Shi, Zhen Wei, Hefei Ling, Ziyang Wang, Pengfei Zhu, Jialie Shen, Ping Li
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology


Single image deraining using bilateral recurrent networkt

Dongwei Ren, Wei Shang, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu, Deyu Meng, Wangmeng Zuo
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Image Processing


Unsupervised spectral feature selection with dynamic hyper-graph learning

Xiaofeng Zhu, Shichao Zhang, Yonghua Zhu,Pengfei Zhu, Yue Gao
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


ECA-Net: Efficient Channel Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Qilong Wang, Banggu Wu, Pengfei Zhu, Peihua Li, Wangmeng Zuo, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper CVPR 2020 [CCF A]


Collaborative Graph Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised learning Meets Semi-Supervised Learning

Binyuan Hui, Pengfei Zhu*, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper AAAI2020


Spatial Attention Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Congcong Li, Dawei Du, Libo Zhang, Longyin Wen, Tiejian Luo, Yanjun Wu, Pengfei Zhu
Conference Paper ECCV 2020 [CCF B]


SPL-MLL: Selecting Predictable Landmarks for Multi-Label Learning

Junbing Li, Changqing Zhang, Pengfei Zhu, Baoyuan Wu, Lei Chen, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper ECCV 2020 [CCF B]


RGB-T Crowd Counting from Drone: A Benchmark and MMCCN Network

Tao Peng, Qing Li, Pengfei Zhu
Conference Paper ACCV 2020


Fuzzy Rough Set Based Feature Selection for Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification

Hong Zhao, Ping Wang, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems


A Recursive Regularization Based Feature Selection Framework for Hierarchical Classification

Hong Zhao, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Ping Wang
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering


Deep Fuzzy Tree for Large-Scale Hierarchical Visual Classification

Yu Wang, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Linhao Li, Bingxu Lu, Jonathan M Garibaldi,
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems


Progressive Image Deraining Networks: Simpler and Better

Dongwei Ren, Wangmeng Zuo, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Deyu Meng
Conference Paper CVPR 2019


Deep Global Generalized Gaussian Networks

Qilong Wang, Peihua Li, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Wangmeng Zuo
Conference Paper CVPR 2019 [CCF A]


Flexible Multi-View Representation Learning for Subspace Clustering

Ruihuang Li, Changqing Zhang, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Zheng Wang
Conference Paper IJCAI 2019 [CCF A]


Beyond Similar and Dissimilar Relations : A Kernel Regression Formulation for Metric Learning

Pengfei Zhu, Ren Qi, Qinghua Hu, Qilong Wang, Changqing Zhang, Liu Yang.
Conference Paper IJCAI 2018 [CCF A]


Towards Generalized and Efficient Metric Learning on Riemannian Manifold

Pengfei Zhu, Hao Cheng, Qinghua Hu, Qilong Wang, Changqing Zhang
Conference Paper IJCAI 2018 [CCF A]


FISH-MML: Fisher-HSIC Multi-View Metric Learning

Changqing Zhang, Yeqing Liu, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu
Conference Paper IJCAI 2018 [CCF A]


Latent Semantic Aware Multi-view Multi-label Classification

Changqing Zhang, Ziwei Yu, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Xinwang Liu, Xiaobo Wang
Conference Paper AAAI 2018 [CCF A]


One-step multi-view spectral clustering

Xiaofeng Zhu, Shichao Zhang, Rongyao Hu, Wei He, Cong Lei, Pengfei Zhu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering [CCF A]


Hybrid Noise Oriented Multi-Label Learning

Changqing Zhang, Ziwei Yu, Huazhu Fu, Pengfei Zhu, Lei Chen, Qinghua Hu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics [SCI 一区]


Multi-label Feature Selection with Missing Labels

Pengfei Zhu, Qian Xu, Qinghua Hu, Changqing Zhang, Hong Zhao
Journal Paper Pattern Recognition 2017 [SCI二区]


Multiple Kernel Geometric Mean Metric Learning for Heterogeneous Data

Ren Qi, Pengfei Zhu*, Jianqing Liang
Journal Paper 软件学报 2017 CCML2017 Best Student Paper


Flexible Multi-view Dimensionality co-Reduction

Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu, Xiaochun Cao
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017 [CCF A]


Subspace Clustering guided Unsupervised Feature Selection

Pengfei Zhu, Wencheng Zhu, Qinghua Hu, Changqing Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo
Journal PaperPattern Recognition 2017[SCI二区]


Hierarchical Feature Selection with Recursive Regularization

Hong Zhao, Pengfei Zhu, Ping Wang, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper IJCAI 2017 [CCF A]


Latent Multi-view Subspace Clustering

Changqing Zhang, Qinghua Hu, Huazhu Fu, Pengfei Zhu, Xiaochun Cao
Conference Paper CVPR 2017 [CCF A]


Data-Distribution-Aware Fuzzy Rough Set Model and its Application to Robust Classification

Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Witold Pedrycz, Pengfei Zhu, Eric CC Tsang
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016 [SCI一区]


Fuzzy rough sets (FRSs) are considered to be a powerful model for analyzing uncertainty in data. This model encapsulates two types of uncertainty: 1) fuzziness coming from the vagueness in human concept formation and 2) roughness rooted in the granulation coming with human cognition. The rough set theory has been widely applied to feature selection, attribute reduction, and classification. However, it is reported that the classical FRS model is sensitive to noisy information. To address this problem, several robust models have been developed in recent years. Nevertheless, these models do not consider a statistical distribution of data, which is an important type of uncertainty. Data distribution serves as crucial information for designing an optimal classification or regression model. Thus, we propose a data-distribution-aware FRS model that considers distribution information and incorporates it in computing lower and upper fuzzy approximations. The proposed model considers not only the similarity between samples, but also the probability density of classes. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, we design a new sample evaluation index for prototype-based classification based on the model, and a prototype selection algorithm is developed using this index. Furthermore, a robust classification algorithm is constructed with prototype covering and nearest neighbor classification. Experimental results confirm the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed model.

A Discriminative Self-representation induced Classifier

Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Xiangchu Feng, Qinghua Hu
Conference Paper IJCAI 2016 [CCF A]


Almost all the existing representation based classifiers represent a query sample as a linear combination of training samples, and their time and memory cost will increase rapidly with the number of training samples. We investigate the representation based classification problem from a rather different perspective in this paper, that is, we learn how each feature (i.e., each element) of a sample can be represented by the features of itself. Such a self-representation property of sample features can be readily employed for pattern classification and a novel self-representation induced classifier (SRIC) is proposed. SRIC learns a self-representation matrix for each class. Given a query sample, its self-representation residual can be computed by each of the learned self-representation matrices, and classification can then be performed by comparing these residuals. In light of the principle of SRIC, a discriminative SRIC (DSRIC) method is developed. For each class, a discriminative self-representation matrix is trained to minimize the self-representation residual of this class while representing little the features of other classes. Experimental results on different pattern recognition tasks show that DSRIC achieves comparable or superior recognition rate to state-of-the-art representation based classifiers, however, it is much more efficient and needs much less storage space.

Coupled Dictionary Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection

Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu, Changqing Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo
Conference PapersAAAI 2016 [CCF A]


Unsupervised feature selection (UFS) aims to reduce the time complexity and storage burden, as well as improve the generalization performance. Most existing methods convert UFS to supervised learning problem by generating labels with specific techniques (e.g., spectral analysis, matrix factorization and linear predictor). Instead, we proposed a novel coupled analysis-synthesis dictionary learning method, which is free of generating labels. The representation coefficients are used to model the cluster structure and data distribution. Specifically, the synthesis dictionary is used to reconstruct samples, while the analysis dictionary analytically codes the samples and assigns probabilities to the samples. Afterwards, the analysis dictionary is used to select features that can well preserve the data distribution. The effective L2,p-norm regularization is imposed on the analysis dictionary to get much sparse solution and is more effective in feature selection. We proposed an iterative reweighted least squares algorithm to solve the L2,p-norm optimization problem and proved it can converge to a fixed point. Experiments on benchmark datasets validated the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Unsupervised feature selection by regularized self-representation

Pengfei Zhu, Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang, Qinghua Hu, Simon C.K. Shiu
Journal Paper Pattern Recognition, Volume 48, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 438–446 [SCI 二区]


By removing the irrelevant and redundant features, feature selection aims to find a compact representation of the original feature with good generalization ability. With the prevalence of unlabeled data, unsupervised feature selection has shown to be effective in alleviating the curse of dimensionality, and is essential for comprehensive analysis and understanding of myriads of unlabeled high dimensional data. Motivated by the success of low-rank representation in subspace clustering, we propose a regularized self-representation (RSR) model for unsupervised feature selection, where each feature can be represented as the linear combination of its relevant features. By using L2,1 -norm to characterize the representation coefficient matrix and the representation residual matrix, RSR is effective to select representative features and ensure the robustness to outliers. If a feature is important, then it will participate in the representation of most of other features, leading to a significant row of representation coefficients, and vice versa. Experimental analysis on synthetic and real-world data demonstrates that the proposed method can effectively identify the representative features, outperforming many state-of-the-art unsupervised feature selection methods in terms of clustering accuracy, redundancy reduction and classification accuracy.

Image Set-Based Collaborative Representation for Face Recognition

Pengfei Zhu, Wangmeng Zuo, Lei Zhang, Simon C.K. Shiu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 9, Issue 7, May 2014, Pages 1120-1132 [CCF A]


With the rapid development of digital imaging and communication technologies, image set-based face recognition (ISFR) is becoming increasingly important. One key issue of ISFR is how to effectively and efficiently represent the query face image set using the gallery face image sets. The set-to-set distance-based methods ignore the relationship between gallery sets, whereas representing the query set images individually over the gallery sets ignores the correlation between query set images. In this paper, we propose a novel image set-based collaborative representation and classification method for ISFR. By modeling the query set as a convex or regularized hull, we represent this hull collaboratively over all the gallery sets. With the resolved representation coefficients, the distance between the query set and each gallery set can then be calculated for classification. The proposed model naturally and effectively extends the image-based collaborative representation to an image set based one, and our extensive experiments on benchmark ISFR databases show the superiority of the proposed method to state-of-the-art ISFR methods under different set sizes in terms of both recognition rate and efficiency.

From Point to Set: Extend the Learning of Distance Metrics

Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, David Zhang
Conference Papers ICCV 2013 [CCF A]


Most of the current metric learning methods are proposed for point-to-point distance (PPD) based classification. In many computer vision tasks, however, we need to measure the point-to-set distance (PSD) and even set-to-set distance (SSD) for classification. In this paper, we extend the PPD based Mahalanobis distance metric learning to PSD and SSD based ones, namely point-to-set distance metric learning (PSDML) and set-to-set distance metric learning (SSDML), and solve them under a unified optimization framework. First, we generate positive and negative sample pairs by computing the PSD and SSD between training samples. Then, we characterize each sample pair by its covariance matrix, and propose a covariance kernel based discriminative function. Finally, we tackle the PSDML and SSDML problems by using standard support vector machine solvers, making the metric learning very efficient for multiclass visual classification tasks. Experiments on gender classification, digit recognition, object categorization and face recognition show that the proposed metric learning methods can effectively enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification.

Multi-scale Patch based Collaborative Representation for Face Recognition with Margin Distribution Optimization

Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Qinghua Hu, Simon C. K. Shiu
Conference Papers ECCV 2012


Small sample size is one of the most challenging problems in face recognition due to the difficulty of sample collection in many real-world applications. By representing the query sample as a linear combination of training samples from all classes, the so-called collaborative representation based classification (CRC) shows very effective face recognition performance with low computational cost. However, the recognition rate of CRC will drop dramatically when the available training samples per subject are very limited. One intuitive solution to this problem is operating CRC on patches and combining the recognition outputs of all patches. Nonetheless, the setting of patch size is a non-trivial task. Considering the fact that patches on different scales can have complementary information for classification, we propose a multi-scale patch based CRC method, while the ensemble of multi-scale outputs is achieved by regularized margin distribution optimization. Our extensive experiments validated that the proposed method outperforms many state-of-the-art patch based face recognition algorithms.

A Linear Subspace Learning Approach via Sparse Coding

Lei Zhang, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu, David Zhang
Conference Papers ICCV 2011 [CCF A]


Linear subspace learning (LSL) is a popular approach to image recognition and it aims to reveal the essential features of high dimensional data, e.g., facial images, in a lower dimensional space by linear projection. Most LSL methods compute directly the statistics of original training samples to learn the subspace. However, these methods do not effectively exploit the different contributions of different image components to image recognition. We propose a novel LSL approach by sparse coding and feature grouping. A dictionary is learned from the training dataset, and it is used to sparsely decompose the training samples. The decomposed image components are grouped into a more discriminative part (MDP) and a less discriminative part (LDP). An unsupervised criterion and a supervised criterion are then proposed to learn the desired subspace, where the MDP is preserved and the LDP is suppressed simultaneously. The experimental results on benchmark face image databases validated that the proposed methods outperform many state-of-the-art LSL schemes.

A Novel Algorithm for Finding Reducts With Fuzzy Rough Sets

Degang Chen, Lei Zhang, Suyun Zhao, Qinghua Hu, Pengfei Zhu
Journal Paper IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Volume 20, Issue 2, December 2011, Pages 385–389 [SCI 一区]


Attribute reduction is one of the most meaningful research topics in the existing fuzzy rough sets, and the approach of discernibility matrix is the mathematical foundation of computing reducts. When computing reducts with discernibility matrix, we find that only the minimal elements in a discernibility matrix are sufficient and necessary. This fact motivates our idea in this paper to develop a novel algorithm to find reducts that are based on the minimal elements in the discernibility matrix. Relative discernibility relations of conditional attributes are defined and minimal elements in the fuzzy discernibility matrix are characterized by the relative discernibility relations. Then, the algorithms to compute minimal elements and reducts are developed in the framework of fuzzy rough sets. Experimental comparison shows that the proposed algorithms are effective.