SPHORB: A Fast and Robust
Binary Feature on the Sphere

Qiang Zhao       Wei Feng       Liang Wan*       Jiawan Zhang

International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 113, No. 2, pp. 143-159, June 2015



Spherical SIFT




In this paper, we propose SPHORB, a new fast and robust binary feature detector and descriptor for spherical panoramic images. In contrast to state-of-the-art spherical features, our approach stems from the geodesic grid, a nearly equal-area hexagonal grid parametrization of the sphere used in climate modeling. It enables us to directly build fine-grained pyramids and construct robust features on the hexagonal spherical grid, thus avoiding the costly computation of spherical harmonics and their associated bandwidth limitation. We further study how to achieve scale and rotation invariance for the proposed SPHORB feature. Extensive experiments show that SPHORB consistently outperforms other existing spherical features in accuracy, efficiency and robustness to camera movements. The superior performance of SPHORB has also been validated by realworld matching tests.



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    author   = {Qiang Zhao and Wei Feng and Liang Wan and Jiawan Zhang},
    title    = {SPHORB: A Fast and Robust Binary Feature on the Sphere},
    journal  = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
    doi      = {10.1007/s11263-014-0787-4},
    year     = {},
    volume   = {113},
    number   = {2},
    pages    = {143-159},


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