Peng Zhang is currently a full professor at School of Computer Science and Technology, College of Computing and Intelligence, Tianjin University. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Robert Gordon University (RGU), Aberdeen, UK with full scholarship. Prior to this, he got his M.S. degree from Tianjin University. He has been a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research Asia, in 2018, Knowledge Media Institute, UK in 2010 and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, in 2007. Professor Peng Zhang's research focuses on Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Quantum Artificial Intelligence. He has published in prestigious journals like Nature Communications, ACM TOIS, IEEE TNN, IEEE TKDE, and conferences such as ICML, SIGIR, NeurIPS, IJCAI, ACL, CIKM, WWW, and EMNLP. Notable accolades include the Best Poster Award at ECIR 2011 and the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention at SIGIR 2017.
Research Interests Information Retrieval Natural Language Processing Quantum Cognition
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张鹏,教授、博士生导师、计算机学院副院长,入选国家级青年人才计划。于2013年1月获得英国罗伯特戈登大学博士学位(学校全额奖学金资助);于2008年6月获得天津大学硕士学位。曾在香港理工大学、英国开放大学和印度理工学院做研究助理。长期致力于自然语言处理、信息检索、大语言模型,及量子人工智能交叉学科研究方向,近期关注多模态大语言模型的小型化、量子机器学习等前沿方向。已发表Nature Communications、ACM TOIS、ICML、NeurIPS、ACL、SIGIR、AAAI、KDD等高水平论文60余篇。获得欧洲信息检索会议ECIR 2011 Best Poster Award,国际信息检索顶级会议SIGIR 2017 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention,SMP首届机器人群聊大赛一等奖。曾担任中国中文信息学会青年工作委员会执行委员、中国计算机学会YOCSEF天津2023-2024学术委员会主席;现担任中国中文信息学会信息检索专业委员会常务委员。